This is my favorite picture of little Stephen thus far. It shows his personality a bit. He is such a sweet mellow fellow. Jaron is still fond of him (yay!) We are potty training now, which has been particularly stressful for me. I hate the mess. But he is doing pretty well. I told him that when he goes poop he can have ice cream, but it hasn't happened yet. #1 is going well and he even makes it through the night half the time. Here is a picture of the family on Stephen's baby blessing day too. Daddy gave an awesome blessing!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
This is my favorite picture of little Stephen thus far. It shows his personality a bit. He is such a sweet mellow fellow. Jaron is still fond of him (yay!) We are potty training now, which has been particularly stressful for me. I hate the mess. But he is doing pretty well. I told him that when he goes poop he can have ice cream, but it hasn't happened yet. #1 is going well and he even makes it through the night half the time. Here is a picture of the family on Stephen's baby blessing day too. Daddy gave an awesome blessing!
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